An optical fiber light source is a cylindrical dielectric waveguide that can transmit illumination from a light source to a surgical instrument or a headlight along its axis through the process of internal reflection. The regular light source attachments have connections and a camera at the ride side. A new version is now being called the DIC interface that is known to maintain an upright view, thus featuring an auto rotation system that enables vision from all angles. A gold-plated exclusive single-handed control of the endoscope camera system is also present. The cables are made of rigid material and transmit more heat than optical fiber cables.
- Place of origin: Pakistan
- WARRANTY: Electricidal Tool
- Product type: Surgical instrument
- Product Name: fiber optic light source
- Re-usable: Yes
- Hygiene: Yes
- Availability: Yes.
- Quality: Premium quality
- Item status: In stock
- Units of measurement: Each piece
- Material: German Stainless steel
- Manufactured by: WISH SURGICAL
- Feature: Durable
- Application: surgical operation
- Usage: Basic Surgical surgery
- Quality certification: Yes
- Power source: Manual
- After-sale- service: Return and replacement
- Packing: Box